Book Chapters and Invited Papers
MAQC Consortium: L. Shi, G. Campbell, W. D. Jones, et al. The MicroArray Quality Control (MAQC)-II study of common practices for the development and validation of microarray-based predictive models (2010). Nature Biotechnology 28:827-838. [Abstract, HTML]
C. L. Benn, R. Luthi-Carter, A. Kuhn, G. Sadri-Vakili, K. L. Blankson, S. C. Dalai, D. R. Goldstein, T. L Spires, J. Pritchard, J. M. Olson, A. van Dellen, A. J. Hannan, J-H J Cha (2010). Environmental enrichment reduces neuronal intranuclear inclusion load but has no effect on mRNA expression in a mouse model of Huntington's disease. Journal of Neuropathology and Experimental Neurology 69:817-827. [Abstract, PDF (subscribers)]
A. Faes, H. Lund-Frandsen, M. Pihlatie, A. Kaiser, and D. R. Goldstein (2010). Curvature and strength of Ni-YSZ solid oxide half-cells after redox treatments. Journal of Fuel Cell Science and Technology [Abstract (subscriber link to PDF)]
F. Jacob, D. R. Goldstein, D. Fink, and V. Heinzelmann-Schwarz (2009). Proteogenomic studies in epithelial ovarian cancer: established knowledge and future needs. Biomarkers in Medicine 3:743–756. [Abstract, PDF]
V. Popovici, D. R. Goldstein, J. Antonov, R. Jaggi, M. Delorenzi, and P. Wirapati (2009).
Selecting control genes for RT-QPCR using public microarray data.
BMC Bioinformatics 10:42.
S. Plantegenet, J. Weber, D. R. Goldstein, G. Zeller, C. Nussbaumer, J. Thomas, D. Weigel, K. Harshman, and C. S. Hardtke (2009). Comprehensive analysis of Arabidopsis expression level polymorphisms with simple inheritance. Molecular Systems Biology 5:242. [Synopsis, PDF]
P. Wirapati, C. Sotiriou, S. Kunkel, P. Farmer, S. Pradervand, B. Haibe-Kains,
C. Desmedt, M. Ignatiadis, T. Sengstag, F. Schütz, D. R. Goldstein,
M. Piccart, and M. Delorenzi (2008).
Meta-analysis of gene expression profiles in breast cancer:
toward a unified understanding of breast cancer subtyping and prognosis signatures.
Breast Cancer Research 10(4):R65.
A. Kuhn, D. R. Goldstein, A. Hodges, A. D. Strand, T. Sengstag, C. Kooperberg, K. Becanovic, M. A. Pouladi, K. Sathasivam, J. J. Cha, A. J. Hannan, M. R. Hayden, B. R. Leavitt, S. B. Dunnett, R. J. Ferrante, R. Albin, P. Shelbourne, M. Delorenzi, S. J. Augood, R. L. M. Faull, J. M. Olson, G. P. Bates, L. Jones and R. Luthi-Carter (2007). Mutant huntingtin's effects on striatal gene expression in mice recapitulate changes observed in human Huntington's disease brain and do not differ with mutant huntingtin length or wild-type huntingtin dosage. Human Molecular Genetics 16:1845-1861. [Abstract, PDF]
E. C. Stack, S. J. Del Signore, R. Luthi-Carter, B. Y. Soh, D. R. Goldstein, S. Matson, S. Goodrich, A. L. Markey, K. Cormier, S. W. Hagerty, K. Smith, H. Ryu and R. J. Ferrante (2007). Modulation of nucleosome dynamics in Huntington's disease. Human Molecular Genetics 16:1164-1175. [Abstract, PDF]
D. R. Goldstein (2006). Partition Resampling and Extrapolation Averaging: Approximation Methods for Quantifying Gene Expression in Large Numbers of Short Oligonucleotide Arrays. Bioinformatics, 22:2364-2372. [Abstract, PDF]
D. Bhowmick, A. C. Davison and D. R. Goldstein (2006). A Laplace Mixture Model for Identification of Differential Expression in Microarray Experiments. Biostatistics, 7:630-641. [Abstract, PDF]
O. Menzel, M. Migliaccio, D. R. Goldstein, S. Dahoun, M. Delorenzi, N. Rufer (2006). Mechanisms regulating the proliferative potential of human CD8+ T lymphocytes over-expressing hTERT. Journal of Immunology, 177:3657-3668. [Abstract, PDF]
C. U. Riedel, F. Foata, D. R. Goldstein, S. Blum and B. J. Eikmanns (2006). Interaction of bifidobacteria with Caco-2 cells -- adhesion and impact on expression profiles. International Journal of Food Microbiology 110:62-68. [Abstract, with subscriber link to full text]
L. Jones, D. R. Goldstein, G. Hughes, A. D. Strand, F. Collin, S. B. Dunnett, C. Kooperberg, A. Aragaki, J. M. Olson, S. J. Augood, R. L. M. Faull, R. Luthi-Carter, V. Moskvina, A. K. Hodges (2006).
Assessment of the relationship between pre-chip and post-chip variables for Affymetrix GeneChip expression data.
BMC Bioinformatics, 7:211.
A. Hodges, A. D. Strand, A. K. Aragaki, A. Kuhn, T. Sengstag, G. Hughes, L. A. Elliston, C. Hartog, D. R. Goldstein, D. Thu, Z. R. Hollingsworth, F. Collin, B. Synek, P. A. Holmans, A. B. Young, N. S. Wexler, M. Delorenzi, C. Kooperberg, S. J. Augood, R. L. M. Faull, J. M. Olson, L. Jones, R. Luthi-Carter (2006). Regional and cellular gene expression changes in human Huntington's disease brain. Human Molecular Genetics 15:965-977. [Abstract, PDF]
J. Antonov, D. R. Goldstein, A. Oberli, A. Baltzer, M. Pirotta, A. Fleischmann, H. J. Altermatt, R. Jaggi (2005). Gene Expression Measurements by Quantitative Real-time PCR Depends on Short Amplicons and a Proper Normalization. Laboratory Investigation 85:1040-1050. [Abstract, PDF]
P. Farmer, H. Bonnefoi, V. Becette, M. Tubiana-Hulin, P. Fumoleau, D. Larsimont, G. Macgrogan, J. Bergh, D. Cameron, D. R. Goldstein, S. Duss, A. L. Nicoulaz, C. Brisken, M. Fiche, M. Delorenzi, R. Iggo (2005). Identification of molecular apocrine breast tumours by microarray analysis. Oncogene 24:4660-4671. [Abstract, PDF]
B. A. Berman, G. C. Wong, R. Bastani, T. Hoang, C. Jones, D. R. Goldstein, J. T. Bernert, K. S. Hammond, D. Tashkin and M. A. Lewis (2003). Household smoking behavior and ETS exposure among children with asthma in low-income, minority households. Addictive Behaviors 28:111-28. [Abstract, with subscriber link to full text]
D. R. Goldstein, D. Ghosh and E. M. Conlon (2002). Statistical issues in the clustering of gene expression data. Statistica Sinica 12:219-240. [Abstract, PDF]
C. M. Greenwood, A. Bureau, J. C. Loredo-Osti, N. M. Roslin, M. J. Crumley, C. G. Brewer, T. M. Fujiwara, D. R. Goldstein and K. Morgan (2001). Identity-by-descent sharing using Markov chain Monte Carlo in subsets of the asthma Hutterite pedigree. Genetic Epidemiology 21 Suppl:244-251. [Abstract]
D. R. Goldstein, S. Dudoit and T. P. Speed (2001). Power and robustness of a score test for linkage analysis of quantitative traits using identity by descent data on sib pairs. Genetic Epidemiology 20:415-431. [Abstract, with subscriber link to full text]
D. R. Goldstein, S. Dudoit and T. P. Speed (2000). Power of a score test for quantitative trait linkage analysis of relative pairs. Genetic Epidemiology 19:S85-S91. [Abstract, with subscriber link to full text]
L. B. Henderson, J. S. Adams, D. R. Goldstein, G. D. Braunstein, J. I. Rotter and M. T. Scheuner (2000). A familial risk profile for osteoporosis. Genetics in Medicine 2:222-225. [Abstract, with subscriber link to full text]
D. R. Goldstein, S. R. Sain, R. Guerra and C. J. Etzel (1999). Meta-analysis by combining parameter estimates: simulated linkage studies. In L. Goldin, C. I. Amos, G. A. Chase, A. M. Goldstein, G. P. Jarvik, M. M. Martinez, B. K. Suarez, D. E. Weeks, E. M. Wijsman and J. W. MacCluer. Genetic Analysis Workshop 11: Analysis of genetic and environmental factors in common diseases. Genetic Epidemiology 17:S581-S586. [Abstract]
R. Guerra, C. J. Etzel, D. R. Goldstein and S. R. Sain (1999). Meta-analysis by combining p-values: simulated linkage studies. In L. Goldin, C. I. Amos, G. A. Chase, A. M. Goldstein, G. P. Jarvik, M. M. Martinez, B. K. Suarez, D. E. Weeks, E. M. Wijsman and J. W. MacCluer. Genetic Analysis Workshop 11: Analysis of genetic and environmental factors in common diseases. Genetic Epidemiology 17:S605-609. [Abstract]
D. R. Goldstein, H. Zhao and T. P. Speed (1997). The effects of genotyping errors and interference on estimation of genetic distance. Human Heredity 47:86-100. [Abstract, with subscriber link to full text]
H. Yang, Y. Wang, D. R. Goldstein, Z. Li, H. Vora and R. M. Cantor (1997). Factors influencing the identification of major genes in a complex disease genome scan. Genetic Epidemiology 14:933-938. [Abstract, with subscriber link to full text]
M. Marron, L. J. Raffel, H. J. Garchon, C. Jacob, M. Serrano-Rios, M. T. Martinez Larrad, W. P. Teng, Y. Park, Z. X. Zhang, D. R. Goldstein, Y. W. Tao, G. Beaurain, J. F. Bach, H. S. Huang, D. F. Luo, A. Zeidler, J. I. Rotter, M. C. K. Yang, T. Modilevshy, N. K. Maclaren, J. X. She (1997). Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM) is associated with CTLA4 polymorphisms in multiple ethnic groups. Human Molecular Genetics 6:1275-1282. [Abstract, Full text - PDF]
D. R. Goldstein, H. Zhao and T. P. Speed (1994). Relative efficiencies of chi-square models of recombination for exclusion mapping and gene ordering. Genomics 27:265-273. [Abstract, with subscriber link to full text]
D. R. Goldstein (1994). Asymptotic distributions of polylocus test statistics. Genetic Epidemiology 12:195-202. [Abstract, with subscriber link to full text]
D. R. Goldstein (1994). A combined test of linkage heterogeneity. American Journal of Human Genetics 55:841-848. [Abstract, PDF]
D. R. Goldstein (1992). Order of markers on chromosome 21. Cytogenetics and Cell Genetics 59:102-103.
P. Wirapati, D. R. Goldstein and M. Delorenzi (2009). Integrated Analysis of Gene Expression Profiling Studies - Examples in Breast Cancer. In R. D. Appel and E. Feytmans (eds.), Bioinformatics: A Swiss Perspective, Singapore: World Scientific.
D. R. Goldstein, M. Delorenzi, R. Luthi-Carter and T. Sengstag (2009). Comparison of Meta-analysis to Combined Analysis of a Replicated Microarray Study. In R. Guerra and D. Goldstein (eds.), Meta-analysis and Combining Information in Genetics, Boca Raton, FL: Chapman&Hall/CRC, [Preprint]
D. R. Goldstein and R. Guerra (2009). A brief introduction to meta-analysis, genetics and genomics. In R. Guerra and D. Goldstein (eds.), Meta-analysis and Combining Information in Genetics, Boca Raton, FL: Chapman&Hall/CRC.
D. R. Goldstein (2005). Book review of G. J. McLachlan, K-A. Do and C. Ambroise: Analyzing Microarray Gene Expression Data. Journal of the American Statistical Association 100:1464 - 1465.
D. R. Goldstein and M. Delorenzi (2004). Statistical Design and Data Analysis for Microarray Experiments. In A. Berger and M. A. Roberts (eds.), Unraveling Lipid Metabolism with Micorarrays, New York: Dekker.
S. Dudoit and D. R. Goldstein (2003). Extensions to a score test for genetic linkage with identity by descent data. In D. R. Goldstein (ed.), Science and Statistics: A Festschrift for Terry Speed, Vol. 40 of Institute of Mathematical Statistics, Lecture Notes - Monograph Series.
D. R. Goldstein (2003). A brief introduction to genetics. In D. R. Goldstein (ed.), Science and Statistics: A Festschrift for Terry Speed, Vol. 40 of Institute of Mathematical Statistics, Lecture Notes - Monograph Series.
D. R. Goldstein (2002). Discussion of K. W. Broman and T. P. Speed: A model selection approach for the identification of quantitative trait loci in experimental crosses and G. Parmigiani, E. S. Garrett, R. Anbazhagan, E. Gabrielson: A statistical framework for expression–based molecular classification in cancer. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society 64:744.