

Academic Education

2001-2005: Ph.D. degree in biometry. UMR-CNRS 5023, University of Lyon I, France (National Number: 2005LYO10053).
2002-2004: University diploma in Information Technology for scientist (e.g. C++, Java, Network). University of Lyon I, France.
2000-2001: DEA analyses et modélisations des systèmes biologiques (Master’s degree in biometry). University of Lyon I, France.
1999-2000: Maîtrise (MS equivalent) in biometry. University of Lyon I, France.
1998-1999: Licence (Bachelor equivalent) in biometry. University of Lyon I, France.

Professionnal Activities

Oct 2012-currently: Biostatistician/Biometrician, Bioinformatics Core Facility, Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics, in collaboration with Laboratory of tumor biology and genetics (CHUV, NCH), Lausanne, Switzerland.
Oct 2009-Oct 2012: Biostatistician/Biometrician, Bioinformatics Core Facility, Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics, in collaboration with Institut Universitaire de Médecine Sociale et Préventive (CHUV) and Laboratory of tumor biology and genetics (CHUV, NCH), Lausanne, Switzerland.
Jan 2009-Sept 2009: Biostatistician/Biometrician, Agricultural and Environmental Engineering Research (CEMAGREF, Governmental Agency), Antony, France. Involvement in European project: Improvement and Spatial extension of the European Fish Index (EFI+), Contract Number 044096.
Jan 2007-Dec 2008: Biostatistician/Biometrician, Agricultural and Environmental Engineering Research (CEMAGREF, Governmental Agency), Aix-En-Provence, France. Involvement in European project: Improvement and Spatial extension of the European Fish Index (EFI+), Contract Number 044096.
Aug 2005–Nov 2006: Biostatistician/Biometrician, Clinical Epidemiology Centrer, University Hospital (CHUV ), Lausanne, Switzerland.
Jun 2005–Jul 2005: Biostatistician/Biometrician , Contract with environmental consulting agency (ARALEP), Lyon, France. Involvement in a project on the impacts of global changes and extreme hydro-climatic events on macroinvertebrate community structures in the French Rhône River with CEMAGREF (Lyon, Aix-En-Provence), University of Sciences Claude Bernard Lyon 1 and  EDF Energy (R&D, DTG).
Oct 2001-Jun 2005: PhD Researcher, University of Sciences, Claude Bernard Lyon 1, UMR-CNRS 5023, France. Modeling and prediction of trait response and evaluation functional diversity of stream invertebrates in large rivers.
Sept 2000-Sept 2001: Master’s student, University of Sciences, Claude Bernard Lyon 1, UMR-CNRS 5023, France. Assessment of  biological responses of aquatic communities to the temporal variability.


Inference: ANOVA, parametric and nonparametric tests, likelihood ratio test.
Exploration: Clustering methods, Classical analyses (e.g. PCA, COA, MCA, PCoA), Analyses on instrumental variables (PCAIV, CCA, PLS1/2), Discriminant analysis, Muti-table analyses (e.g. GPA, STATIS, PTA).
Modeling: GLM, GEE, PLS, mixed models, survival analysis (Cox model).
Language: S language (S-plus and R), C/C++, SQL, Python, HTML.
Software: R, S-plus, STATA, ADE-4, SPSS, maple, PLINK.
Divers: MS-office, OppenOffice, LaTex, Markdown, GIT, Subversion and Trac (collaborative tools).

Teaching and Training

[1] Dolédec S. & Bady P. (2004) Atelier d’analyse de données écologiques avec le logiciel ADE-4, LECA, Grenoble, France.
[2] Teaching Assistant in statistic (2006) , descriptive and inferential analyses with STATA (e.g. graphical representations, classical test, linear regression), CEPIC, MRC, Lausanne.
[3] Teaching Assistant in statistic (2010) , Introduction to statistics for biologists proposed by Schütz F., Geneva, 25-29 February 2010.
[4] Bady P. (2010) Introduction to Generalized Linear model with R, in Advanced statistics 2010: Statistical modeling, Schütz F., Goldstein D. and Bady P., BCF-SIB, Lausanne, 18-22 October 2010
[5] Teaching Assistant in statistic (2011) , Introduction to statistics for biologists proposed by Schütz F., Geneva, 7-11 February 2011.
[6] Bady P. (2012) Introduction to Generalized Linear model with R, in Advanced statistics 2012: Statistical modeling, Schütz F., Goldstein D. and Bady P., BCF-SIB, Lausanne, 6-10 February 2012.

Contracts and Reports

[1] Bady P. & Dolédec S. (2002). Réponses biologiques à la variabilité hydrologique et thermique, In Importance de la variabilité hydroclimatique régionale sur les peuplements de macroinvertébrés benthiques du Bas-Rhône. rapport dans le cadre de l'Action 2 du programme GICC-AQUABIO (Ministry of the Environment).
[2] Statzner B., Bady P., Dolédec S. & Gayraud S. (2003). Biologische von Flusswirbellosen als Basis einer überregionalen Bewertung ökologischer Funktionsfähigkeit (FKZ 0330029). Endbericht an die Bundesanstalt für Gewässerkunde.
[3] Involvement in a project with ARALEP, CEMAGREF, UNIVERSITY of Lyon (UCBL1) and EDF Energy (R&D, DTG) (2005-2006): « Etude Thermique Globale du Rhône Phase 3: Relations entre la thermique et la biologie. »
[4] Involvement in a project with Treatment Centre for Alcoology (CTA) on Brief alcohol interventions (2005-2006, Lausanne, Switzerland): « Conseil bref aux consommateurs d’alcool à risque consultant un service d’urgence suite à un accident ».
[5] Involvement in European project (2007-2009): Improvement and Spatial extension of the European Fish Index (EFI+),  A specific targeted research project supported by the European Commission under FP 6 contributing to the implementation of task “Ecological Status Assessment - filling the gaps” (Priority “Integrating and Strengthening the European Research Area - Scientific Support to Policies”, Task 4) , Contract Number 044096.
=> Bady P., Pont D. (2008) Evaluation of Existing European Fish Index, in EFI+ 0044096 Deliverable 3_3 Evaluation of the present EFI.
=> Cemagref Team* (2008) Low Species Rivers, in EFI+ 0044096 Deliverable 3_4 New metrics development.
=> Cemagref Team* (2009) Report on the modelling of reference conditions and on the sensitivity of candidate metrics to anthropogenic pressures (Deliverable 4.1), in  EFI+ 0044096 Deliverable 4_1_4_2 Modelling_and_Fish_Index_Development.
=> Cemagref Team* (2009) Report on the final development and validation of the new European Fish Index and method, including a complete technical description of the new method (Deliverable 4.2), in EFI+ 0044096 Deliverable 4_1_4_2 Modelling_and_Fish_Index_Development.
=> Solana Gutiérrez J., García-de-Jalón Lastra D., Pont D., Bady P., Logez M., Noble R., Schinegger R., Haidvogl G., Melcher A., Schmutz S. (2009) Manual for the application of the new European Fish Index - EFI+. A fish-based method to assess the ecological status of European running waters in support of the Water Framework Directive. Monografia(Manual). E.T.S.I. Mountains (UPM), Wien. (Annexes)
* The "Cemagref Team" was a working group composed  by five persons working at CEMAGREF (French institute of agricultural and environmental engineering research, now called IRSTEA): Pont D, Bady P Logez M, Belliard J. and Veslot J.