Applied Statistics - 'Executive Summary' for Crash Test Data Project

The purpose of this project is to prepare a ONE PAGE 'executive summary' for the crash test data analysis you carried out (project 3). The summary is for a high up executive who is familiar with the project and understands statistics a little bit, but whose main interest is in the final conclusions/recommendations about car safety.

The general format should be a brief introductory paragraph giving a fast overview, followed by a few 'bullet points' outlining conclusions of the analysis you carried out (important factors, etc.) and a final section giving any recommendations you suggest. There should be no mathematical detail (although it would be ok to say that you used an ANOVA model). You should limit yourself to at most one graph, only if it is enlightening and absolutely necessary (you may not need any). The title should be something like 'Executive Summary - Car Crash Analysis'.

As usual, your report can be in English or French. For this report you should use Sweave. Please include your .Rnw and .pdf file. Please follow the naming convention: surname5.Rnw, etc. (e.g. my files would be goldstein5.Rnw and goldstein5.pdf). This is a very short report and you should be able to do it using mainly the background and conclusions from report 3, so it should not take very long to do. For full re-write privileges, please email your report files to me (darlene.goldstein at before Wednesday 15 December 2010. These should be very fast for me to correct, so I encourage you to send it sooner if you can.